01 July 2008

Project Blog It

Shmonkey and I have begun a project in an attempt to get us back to our lives as they were meant to be. We're both creative, intelligent people. However, we both work highly demanding, stressful jobs, and we both have personalities that lead us to give those jobs all we have. The result is a huge personal cost. We've not made time to continue to embrace the kind of life that truly fits the unique individuals were are. We spend most of the day making others people’s lives the way they want them to be, and I firmly believe this is not as it is intended.

In an attempt to move us back to a place of balance, and to try to jump start better introspection, thinking, and perhaps most importantly, creativity, Shmonkey and I have started a blog project. The rules are fairly simple. Every Friday we each make a post on our respective blogs: Shmonkey's Jungle, and TravelWithRoadTripGirl. The posting is based on a prompt assigned by one of us in the week before posting day. There are really no other rules. Shmonkey and I can discuss our writing or not. We can brainstorm together or not. We can critique one another's writing or not. The point is to always post something on Friday, and to create a mutually supportive and encouraging situation that fosters the development of our individual writing skills.

Looking forward into the future from my position in the present, I think our weekly writings will be very diverse; sometimes creative fiction, sometimes creative non-fiction, sometimes personal, sometimes philosophical, sometimes academic, and all of the other possibilities in between. As long as we write and push beyond the narrow frames that have been imposed upon our lives and our minds by our environment.

We welcome you to stop by every Friday. Read both Shmonkey's Jungle and TravelWithRoadTripGirl. See how each of us tackles a topic differently. Engage us by commenting, please. Consider joining our project by picking up the weekly prompt and making your own posting on Fridays.

Written by Shmonkey; tweaked by RoadTripGirl.

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